Tender Coconut Instant Curds Recipe | Plant-based Dairy Alternative Recipe

Whole Food Plant Based Recipes

Vegan Tender Coconut Instant Curd Recipe

Can you imagine making curds in less than 5 minutes?

I used to love curds. I could do without any dairy product – except for curds. When I found out how deadly curd is for cows and for us, I figured, I’d be better off without it.

Over time, my craving for curds also reduced, though there were still days when I dreamt of that bowl of white yumminess. That is, until I found this recipe.

Can you imagine making curds in less than 5 minutes?

Whole Food Plant Based Tender Coconut Instant Curd Recipe

Course: Side dish, Dairy Alternative, Fundamental Recipe
Cuisine: South Indian Alternative Recipe
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Servings: 1 cup


1 Tender Coconut With thick coconut meat
Water as required
2 Lemons
2 tsp Miso Paste (Healthy Salt Alternative. See Nutrition Science Highlights below)


  1. Scoop out the tender coconut meat and grind as smooth as you can adding water in intervals to achieve your desired consistency.
  2. Squeeze the lemons, add lemon juice and miso paste to the mixie, give it once last blend and you are done! Garnish with curry leaves and serve fresh.


  1. You could also mix in some asafoetida powder, and garnish with cashew nuts, mustard seeds, cumin seeds, and chopped green chili!

Nutrition Science Highlights for Whole Food Plant Based Tender Coconut Instant Curds Recipe

  1. Why not dairy? Dairy products have been found to be associated with increased risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, obesity, asthma, PCOS, and heart disease. We can still enjoy our milk, cream, and butter though - as long as they are made from whole plant foods!
  2. Why Miso Paste? Miso paste is fermented & salted soya bean paste. American Heart Association Maximum recommended maximum daily salt intake of 3.75 grams per person to minimise risk of high blood pressure, stomach cancer and chronic kidney disease. In addition to helping us restrict salt intake, replacing salt with miso paste also helps by neutralising the negative effects of salt by soya phytonutrients. You can easily make fresh miso paste at home by mixing 100 grams of cooked soya paste with 10 grams of salt, or 10 tablespoons of cooked soya paste with 1 tablespoon of salt. If making at home, ensure to use immediately, or freeze in batches to use later. Or, simply use 3.75 grams of salt or less per day per person and add 18 to 20 grams (dry weight) of soya beans in any dishes, spread through the day!

Dr Achyuthan Eswar
Lifestyle Physician & Co-founder, NutritionScience.in, PHC Lifestyle Clinic & SampoornaAhara.com Plant-based Kitchen

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